VectorBuilder is proud to share our client's testimonials:
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벡터빌더에서 손쉽게 lentivirus를 사용한 vector construct들을 제작할 수 있어서 편리했고 현재까지 문제 없이 사용하고 있어서 앞으로도 쭉 이용할 예정입니다.
M company, Korea
AAV packaging 서비스를 이용하고 있습니다. 높은 퀄리티의 바이러스를 사용할 수 있어 실험에 많은 도움을 얻었습니다. 문의 사항도 원할하게 상담이 가능한 부분도 만족스럽습니다. 앞으로도 꾸준히 서비스를 이용할 예정입니다.
Chung-Ang University, Korea
Plasmid DNA 제작과 AAV packaging 서비스를 이용했습니다. 홈페이지가 user-friendly하게 되어있어 정보를 찾아가면서 벡터 디자인이 가능하다는 것이 가장 큰 장점인 것 같습니다.
KRICT, Korea
주로 AAV, lentivirus 벡터 제작과 바이러스 패키징 서비스를 이용하고 있습니다. 직관적인 벡터 디자인 시스템이 사용하기 편리하고, 관련 문의에 대한 상담도 원활히 잘 되서 도움이 됩니다. 앞으로도 꾸준히 서비스를 이용할 예정이며 추천드립니다~
전북대, Korea
손쉽게 벡터를 디자인하고 이를 바이러스로 만들어주는 벡터빌더의 서비스는 실험에 많은 도움이 됩니다. 앞으로도 꾸준히 이용할 예정입니다.
KRIBB, Korea
편리한 벡터 디자인 시스템과 고순도의 바이러스를 제공받을 수 있는 점이 굉장히 만족스럽습니다. 앞으로도 꾸준히 서비스를 이용할 예정입니다.
KRIBB, Korea
벡터빌더에서 쉽게 실험에 사용 할 수 있는 벡터를 디자인하여 바이러스를 만들어 실험을 진행하는데 많은 도움이 되었습니다. 다양한 종류와 제조 과정에 걸리는 시간이 다른 회사보다 빠르고, 가격 또한 저렴해 실험에 많은 도움이 되었습니다. 추후 계속해서 이용할 예정입니다.
Sungkunkwan university, Korea
몇년째 벡터빌더의 AAV 바이러스 패키징 서비스를 이용하고있습니다. 편리하게 하이 퀄리티의 바이러스를 주문할 수 있어 실험에 많은 도움이 됩니다. 앞으로도 꾸준히 서비스 이용할 예정입니다.
KRIBB, Korea
4년째 연구실의 모든 plasmid cloning 서비스, 그리고 대부분의 viral packaging 서비스를 VectorBuilder에서 이용하고 있습니다. Plasmid 제작의 경우 국내 업체와 비교해서도 저렴한 가격과 높은 제작 성공률을 제공합니다. Viral packaging 서비스의 경우 매우 높은 titer의 바이러스를 얻을 수 있어 아주 소량의 용액을 사용하는 미세주입실험에도 잘 활용할 수 있습니다. 시료의 품질측면에 더하여 Vectorbuilder사의 가장 큰 장점은 벡터 디자인 서비스에 있다고 생각합니다. UI는 보기쉽고 편리하며, 자체 데이터베이스에 매우 다양한 promoter 및 ORF 서열을 보유하고 있고, 데이터베이스에 없는 서열도 디자인서포트 의뢰를 통하여 삽입하는 것이 가능합니다. 해외에 본사를 둔 기업임에도 불구하고 국내 지역 매니저님을 통하여 정말 빠르고 편리하게 벡터 제작 관련한 문의를 올리고 피드백을 받아볼 수 있습니다. 앞으로도 꾸준히 서비스 이용할 예정입니다~
Seoul National University, Korea
저희 연구실에서 몇차례 벡터빌더를 이용하여 여러 시스템의 벡터를 제작했습니다. Piggybac, CRISPR 등 다양한 활용도에서 정확하고 신속한 서비스를 제공해줍니다. 또한 견적을 받을 시 서열에서 고려해야할 점, 문제가될 수 있는 점을 미리 알려주어 벡터 제작 시 발생할 수 있는 문제를 예방할 수 있습니다. 앞으로도 계속 이용할 예정입니다.
Seoul National University, Korea
저희 연구실에서는 VectorBuilder에서 제공하는 제품 및 서비스를 꾸준히 사용하고 있는데요. 국내 뿐 아니라 해외 다른 회사와 비교해도, 가장 빠르고 가장 경제적이고 가장 정확한 서비스를 제공해 주어서 늘 애용하고 있습니다. 바이러스 역가측면에서도 다른 회사와 비교해도 매 서비스마다 매우 높은 titer로 바이러스를 제공해 주더라고요. 또 virus에 넣을 vector 정보를 확인하거나 수정할 때에도, 사용자 접근성이 매우 높은 디자인 시스템이 구축되어 있어서, 벡터 정보가 한 눈에 들어오며 벡터의 수정과 검토가 용이합니다. 시스템에서 수정이 잘 되지 않아 상담이 필요한 경우에도, 서비스팀에 요청 시 거의 실시간으로 상담해 주시며 생각하고 있는 거의 모든 vector 및 virus가 VectorBuilder에서는 제작이 가능합니다. VectorBuilder 덕분에 실험에 걸리는 시간이 반 이상 준 것 같고, 정확도는 100% 확정이니 실험에 더욱 집중할 수 있어 아주 좋습니다. 각종 벡터나 바이러스 제작에 대해 업체를 찾고 있으시거나, 고민 중이시라면 VectorBuilder 서비스 한 번 시도해 보시는거 추천드립니다~!
Seoul National University, Korea
저의 학위과정 동안 대부분의 벡터와 바이러스를 벡터빌더를 이용해 디자인 및 제작하였습니다. 직관적이고 간단하지만 다양한 데이터베이스와 툴을 제공하는 홈페이지를 통해 여러 벡터를 디자인하고 제작 전 테스트해볼 수 있었고, 간혹 홈페이지에서 제공하지 않는 virus construct 또는 custom design을 사용하거나 디자인에 어려움이 있을 때에는 벡터빌더 전문가와 상담을 통해 빠르고 정확한 조언을 얻을 수 있었습니다. 벡터빌더의 가장 큰 장점은 바이러스 퀄리티의 일관성이라 할 수 있습니다. 모든 바이러스가 이론처럼 잘 작동하진 않지만, 벡터빌더를 통해 제작한 바이러스를 이용한 실험에서는 바이러스의 퀄리티에 대한 의심 없이 벡터 디자인이나 실험 상의 오류에 대해 집중할 수 있었습니다.
Seoul National University, Korea
VecotrBuilder의 서비스를 사용하기 시작하자마자 연구의 결과는 매우 균일하고 예측 가능할 정도로 효율적입니다. VectorBuilder의 전문적인 지원과 더불어 뛰어난 품질은 복잡한 프로젝트를 실현하기에 완벽합니다.
Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea
VectorBuilder AAV provided an excellent packing service, with guaranteed virus titers quality and gene expression efficiency. Website allows a very user-friendly vector designing process, which we hope to continue using in the future.
Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea
I used VectorBuilder's shRNA vector, overexpression vector and AAV-virus sup. These products was delivered fastly, quality was also good and experimental results using these products was satisfied. So I highly recommend service of VectorBuilder.
KRIBB, Korea
I heard about VectorBuilder from seminars and colleagues. One of my colleagues recently had experiences with VectorBuilder and recommended me to use their service. We requested a custom stable cell line with a point mutation. They provided excellent customer service at a reasonable price and we are pleased to share our experience with you all.
B company, Korea
The service provided by Vectorbuilder is outstanding, especially when you consider their cost and delivery time. I highly recommend using Vectorbuilder to save both time and money.
KAIST, Korea
I've been using the VectorBuilder’s service for several years. The advantages of using a VectorBuilder’s products and services are that it is highly easy to design the DNA vector or virus packaging that you want, and thus it saves a lot of time. Also, staffs help you design vectors very kindly and rapidly. Thank you VectorBuilder for the fantastic quality service.
Dong-A University College of Medicine, Korea
The experience working with the great team at VectorBuilder, specifically with Joaquin Bozzo, has been a refreshingly smooth and enjoyable experience. Joaquin has consistently anticipated and intercepted various hurdles that our team overlooked and has proactively pushed forward one of the most urgent parts of our current pipeline. I look forward to collaborating with Joaquin and the VectorBuilder team many more times in the future.
Sacha Schermerhorn
Stealth, USA
VectorBuilder has been the partner every researcher would wish for during those dark moments of paper revision. They offer the complete package: a wide range of viral vector design options, an extremely user-friendly and intuitive website, direct communication, personal and knowledgeable step-by-step guidance throughout the designing and ordering process, accountability, amazing discounts, unique customer support, fast shipping, and guaranteed virus titers and efficiency. So here’s my big thumbs up for a great product and service provider who has proven indispensable in addressing my research questions!
Evgenia Salta
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven/VIB, Belgium
VectorBuilder is an amazing way to save time normally dedicated to molecular biology. The website is easy to use, well-conceived and allows quick design in most cases. For more unusual requests, the team is energetic, reply promptly on every request, and always finds a way to help. Low prices and short timelines really make it possible to consider VectorBuilder for many cloning matters.
Laura Israel
Novartis (Basel), Switzerland
We approached VectorBuilder with an ambitious project and stringent timelines. Ricky Nemeth exhibited remarkable responsiveness, expertise, and adaptability to our requirements. The turnaround for our request was exceptionally swift, the construction of the library precise, and we received all materials promptly. Ricky demonstrated exceptional dedication by facilitating the use of specific plate formats to deliver our viruses. I wholeheartedly recommend VectorBuilder without hesitation.
Soledad Camolotto
Recursion, USA
VectorBuilder's service is simply amazing. Even if you only have an idea of what you want to do, the VectorBuilder experts will help you make it happen. The service is straightforward and really accommodating. This includes fast delivery and quick responses to queries. I recommend the service to all my colleagues and will definitely use them again for future projects.
Stephan Kuenzel
TU Dresden, Germany
VectorBuilder has greatly assisted our research, facilitating hypothesis testing through intramuscular injections of recombinant adeno-associated viral serotype 6 (rAAV6):Slirp vectors. The support from their team ensured that the vector met our needs, and their production methods delivered reliable results. We appreciate their valuable contribution to our research.
Tang Cam Phung Pham
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
I have been working with VectorBuilders since 2017 and generated a knock-in Long Evans rat model that recapitulates neuronal and skin disorders found in humans. In addition, we have designed and generate several plasmid constructs with them. In the past year, Ricky Nemeth, PhD, our Territory Manager, has been very supportive and fantastic to work with. In all, the entire team of VB are great to work with as they are responsive to queries and provide us good quality vectors, viral constructs and viral particles.
Martin-Paul Agbaga
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, USA
VectorBuilder's customer service is astonishing. Their care with its clients and their products is visible through their prompt efforts and fast solutions. Ms. Pascual specifically has been nothing but extremely helpful and kind towards our team.
Gabriel Mendonça
ATLAS Comércio Exterior, Brazil
I used their lentiviruses to build a stable cell line with a dual inducible system, and everything worked great. Despite the fact that we are in Chile (South America), VB delivered all the requested materials (lentiviral particles, E. coli colonies and plasmids) successfully and without any delay. They also included lentiviral particles as positive controls in the shipment free of charge. In short, VB can provide you with high quality materials with fast delivery.
Sebastian Belmar Willatt
Merken Biotech, Chile
I have used VectorBuilder for both AAV and lentiviral preparations, as well as DNA construct synthesis and am extremely satisfied with my experience. Cordial and responsive customer service, fantastic vector creation online tool, and quick delivery far ahead of schedule. Prices are competitive too. What more can one ask for???
Mark Solloway
YOLO Immune Inc., USA
I had a great experience with the service and Maria solved all our doubts.
Julian Bergier
Stamm Bio, Argentina
Vectorbuilder is reliable, fast, and the price is super reasonable. I want to thank Vectorbuilder for providing such excellent service!
Weiwen Zhang
Emory University, USA
yI have used the Vectorbuilder Lentivirus to do transduction many times. The quality is reliable and the transduction efficiency is very high. The customer service and R&D teams are highly professional and helpful. My experience with VectorBuilder is great.
Yichuan Wang
Frederick National Laboratory, USA
One year, over 10 constructs and transgenic fly lines further within a year, I want to thank VB and especially Joseph Perez for their excellent service. Dedicated to getting us the vectors we need, and advancing our follow-up applications- thank you for helping us advance our work!
Jelly Soffers
University of Missouri - Kansas City, USA
Reliable, precise, and fast, we were well-assisted and supported on purchases, agreements, and technical aspects. For many years we have been working with Vector Builder.
Maria Pennuto
University of Padova, Italy
Quality, fast and easy. I must say that VectorBuilder is the best. Very good support during all the order process as well, from the design to the shipment.
Vitor Oliveira
Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil
I have been working with VectorBuilder from the beginning of my postdoc. I’ve chosen VectorBuilder because of the online platform to create customized vectors. It is really impressive how easy is to digitally clone and the order process. Specifically, in our paper, we’ve used VectorBuilder for several critical experiments, including the downregulation of Bassoon protein (AAV-shRNA) and to study the role of Bassoon in the propagation of tau (AAV-GFP-P2A-hTau). These experiments were extremely important to probe our hypothesis.
Dr. Pablo A. Martínez
Indiana University School of Medicine, USA
Amazing experience cooperating with VectorBuilder! As one of the most popular technologies, mRNA vaccine technology has been used extensively to develop therapeutics and vaccines targeting various infectious and non-infectious diseases. Recently, Daniel Meng’s R&D team at VectorBuilder rapidly established the IVT mRNA CRO platform, and we closely collaborated on developing mRNA-based HIV and influenza vaccines. I am so impressed by their scientific vision as well as their problem solving capabilities. Once again, VectorBuilder is trustworthy.
Dr. Caijun Sun
Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
Amazing experience cooperating with VectorBuilder! As one of the most popular technologies, mRNA vaccine technology has been used extensively to develop therapeutics and vaccines targeting various infectious and non-infectious diseases. Recently, Daniel Meng’s R&D team at VectorBuilder rapidly established the IVT mRNA CRO platform, and we closely collaborated on developing mRNA-based HIV and influenza vaccines. I am so impressed by their scientific vision as well as their problem solving capabilities. Once again, VectorBuilder is trustworthy.
Dr. Caijun Sun
Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
It has been a great experience working with VB. I was one of the first to test their empty capsid (AAV VLP) service. For my batch capsids were nearly completely empty (>97% by AUC and TEM) and were thus a huge help for assay development as a negative control. I also want to highlight that my contact Matthew Wheeler was always very helpful and transparent for any queries I had and that the team is very agile. A big plus is also the very intuitive website. Overall, a big thumbs up for VectorBuilder from my side.
Dr. Andrei Hutanu
Analytical Biochemist/QC Method Development, Roche, Switzerland
We have used VectorBuilder services for one year. The website is very user-friendly for designing vectors, and there are automatic verifications that make pertinent suggestions when validating sequences. The flexibility of the service is truly amazing, and we can get a perfectly characterized plasmid for the price of an antibody. Working with VectorBuilder saves us a great deal of time, and time is money. We just can't wait to get the plasmid when ordered!
Nous utilisons les services de VectorBuilder depuis un an. Le site web est très simple à utiliser concernant le design de vecteurs et comprend des vérifications automatiques qui font des suggestions pertinentes lors de la validation des séquences. La flexibilité du service est vraiment impressionnante et nous pouvons obtenir un plasmide parfaitement caractérisé pour le prix d'un anticorps. Travailler avec VectorBuilder nous fait gagner beaucoup de temps, et le temps, c'est de l'argent. Nous sommes impatients de recevoir le plasmide lorsque nous le commandons !
Fabien Chevalier
French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS),France
Before using VectorBuilder, producing lentiviral overexpression vectors for our in vitro models was a recurring and time-consuming enterprise. We faced frequent challenges in every experimental step, which made it difficult to plan the actual experiments. Setting up the process with VectorBuilder was very efficient, thanks to their great expertise and support. Once we started using VectorBuilder's services, we noticed a substantial increase in productivity as well as a more uniform and predictable transduction pattern of our target cells.
We went on to use VectorBuilder for a large-scale CRISPR screen with a custom library spanning over 1,600 genes. With the provided virus, we were able to easily maintain cell representation and we derived a number of interesting hit genes, which we are excited to follow up on. A big thank you to the entire VectorBuilder Team!
Dominic Schmid
University of Basel
To me, VectorBuilder specially Stella Gideon has been amazing! We have gotten our plasmids made by them for over 3 years and every time they are on point! The plasmids arrive on time, and their support team is always on standby for any help I may need!
Nemil Bhatt
University of Texas Medical Branch
VectorBuilder's AAV serotype panel helped us to choose the best expressing serotype for our brain area and animal model of interest. By piloting injections using a selection of serotypes provided in the panel, we obtained invaluable pilot data before ordering a large scale virus production. This allowed us to save a considerable amount of time and resources. The technical support was great, they answer our questions promptly provided great advice. VectorBuilder technical support team further help us designing and cloning our AAV viral vector. Our preliminary data allowed to map retrogradely labelled neurons in the amygdala using light-sheet microscopy. We would not hesitate to use VectorBuilder for our next projects
Dr. Cristina Martinez Gonzalez
University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
To me, science is not a profession. It's a passion for the unknown. It's a constant celebration of perseverance, and love for the truth. And with the professional support of VectorBuilder, the superior quality of VectorBuilder products, and the very competent personalized assistance (thank you so much, Dr. Mirus), science also became an ever-growing source of joy to me. Why? Because since I started to rely on VectorBuilder, I have significantly increased my research output and realized more complex projects much more quickly, giving me time needed to truly enjoy what I'm doing.
Ricardo Koch
Institute of Oncology Research (IOR), Switzerland
We have used VectorBuilder services for 3 years now. In our lab, we generate different types of vectors, with custom promoters and difficult sequences. I often had trouble when I synthesized these custom elements elsewhere. Going back to cloning by ourselves is no longer our first option since they are fast, efficient and their prices are more than fair. On top of that, their customer service is unbeatable.
Dr. Gaetano Gargiulo
Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC), Germany
VectorBuilder makes the process of designing and building vectors easy and efficient. Justin Mirus, as the lead, and the unique and energetic design team are promptly ready to help and support our request and advise us with their great expertise and effective services.
Denise Panella
Glycostem, Netherlands
VectorBuilder offers a comprehensive online platform for vector design. We found the options for customising our vectors to be extensive and the interface simple - allowing this to be done ‘with a click’. The team has been really responsive when I wanted to check things through - thanks Christina! In my view, VectorBuilder is a platform worth investigating when you are looking to save time and outsource cloning and virus production.
Craig Southern
LifeArc, UK
We ordered adenovirus from Vectorbuilder company to overexpress our interest genes. The service is fast, considerate, and high-qualified. Besides, the adenovirus is very effective to overexpress our target gene.
Wanbao Yang
Texas A&M University, USA
We find that it is more efficacious to use VectorBuilder for our molecular biology needs. Purchasing vectors and making use of cloning services frees our students’ time to concentrate on experiments. We have worked with VectorBuilder for quite some time and are always pleased with the efficient, effective, and affordable service. In particular, we are impressed by, and appreciate, how well our rep., Justin Mirus, takes care of our needs. VectorBuilder contributes money and expertise to the advancement of science, for example, to enable conferences at our institute.
Jared Sterneckert's lab
Center for Regenerative Therapies, Germany
Vectorbuilder's service is extremely consistent. We started with regular plasmids and AAV plasmids. Since last year we have ordered many piggybac plasmids. All worked as expected.
Shuhsien Sheu
Janelia Research Campus, USA
We began using VectorBuilder for adenoviral plasmids construction about a year ago. We normally handled all cloning projects ourselves, but when it comes to adenoviral vectors, because of their large size, sometimes the cloning is kind of tricky for inexperienced students. So we decided to give VectorBuilder a try. The plasmid arrived one month later and the virus we generated from it expressed the correct gene. We have ordered more than 10 adenoviral plasmids and they all work fine. VectorBuilder has saved us a lot of time.
Lei Sun
DUKE-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore